This double page summarizes the career of La Fura dels Baus, one of the most controversial and innovative theater companies in the last four decades.
The graphic shows a night image of the Mediterranean, with Barcelona in the background, from which the most ambitious stagings of the Catalan company emerge: the sailing ship that turns into a sea of role players of “Mediterrani, mar olimpic”, the screen with shadows of “La Atlántida”, a giant inhabited by hundreds of actors of “L’home del Milleni”, the ship-stage of “Naumon” and the wheel of fortune of “La divina comedia”.
The infographic put the audience in the last rows of the stalls, an optical effect achieved by bringing to the forefront the silhouettes of the members of the audience witnessing the central marine scene. The imposing human giant is in the centre and the rest of the figures form a semicircle around it. Each of the “actors” are modelled in three dimensions and theatrically illuminated by a trail of fireworks, a resource that is very frequently used by the company, which provides the graphic with more realism and consistency and multiplies its visual impact.
The texts, which compensate with their discrete but legible grey typographies for the flatness of the illustrations, are divided in three categories. The first one corresponds to the headlines, which meet the guidelines set by the editor. The second one refers to the texts describing the central scene and which are emphasized by a bigger typography in the dates and by a line that joins them to each scenography. The third category refers to the landmarks of La Fura and is located on the foreground of the audience, accompanying historical images in discrete black and white, giving centre stage to the main issue.